Allow users to add personalized notes to the BA data colleagues see on how *they* specifically work

5 votes

What? Allow users to add personalized notes to the BA modules their coworkers see that expand on their reference profiles and more specifically articulate how *they* work. But make it clear through the UI what is a user's note versus what's pulled from their reference profile.

Why? So coworkers, and especially managers and aspiring people leaders, are even better armed to engage with that person in the best, most personal way possible.

Example? I'm a Persuader. One of my strengths is "Drives change and challenges status quo." I'd love to expand on that with a note along the lines of, "Efficiency is really important to me, and one thing I'll always focus on when evaluating strategy is considerations around the quickest *and* most impactful way to get to the goal. But don't let that focus deter you from challenging me or presenting me with alternate POVs!"

In Consideration - Added to Product Backlog Optimization Suggested by: Shefali Upvoted: 16 Oct Comments: 0

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