Revisit recurring topics after a meeting has concluded.

13 votes

We need a way to "revisit" topics based on triggers beyond calendar days. Consider adding the ability to revisit topics after the recurring meeting has concluded.

For example, consider a Monday recurring meeting that has topics scheduled to revisit on Tuesday. Typically, the meeting would be facilitated on Monday at 10:00 AM, and the recurring topics would be reset at 12:00 Tuesday for the next meeting that following Monday. In this scenario, members are unable to update topics from 10:00 AM Monday to 12:00 AM Tuesday.

The issue becomes larger if an occurrence of that meeting were to be rescheduled to another day. In that case, you would conduct multiple meetings in a single "revisit" schedule for recurring topics.

If we had an option to "revisit" (i.e. reset) recurring meeting topics at the end of the meeting, the issue would be resolved.

Reviewed - Saved for Future Consideration Suggested by: Daniel Boling Upvoted: 08 Oct Comments: 2

Comments: 2