Make topic revisit options more intuitive; base them on cadence of meeting tied to the workspace

3 votes

When you try to set a schedule for revisiting a topic, the options provided are not intuitive. They are always the same: Snooze until specific date, Daily, Weekly on Mon, Monthly on first Mon, and More Options.

It would make more sense for these options to vary based on the cadence of the meeting ***tied to the workspace***.

If the meeting tied to the workspace is, for example, weekly on Wednesdays, that should impact the Revisit menu options. E.g., it should give an option of Weekly on Wed, instead of Weekly on Monday.

For meetings tied to the workspace that are occurring every 2 or 3 weeks, there should be an option to revisit based on that specific cadence.

It's just a bit of a nuisance to always have to hit "More Options" because the options provided in the Revisit menu rarely work for my needs.

Reviewed - Saved for Future Consideration Suggested by: Shefali Upvoted: 16 Oct Comments: 0

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